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Functions of the Authority

Impact expected out of the interventions of the organization is improvement of livelihood of tea small holders. To realize this organization functions in three major thematic areas.

1. Extension Interventions

With the basic objective of improving productivity and product quality, extension services are provided at the grass root level by trained extension officers.

2. Land development Interventions

With the basic objective of improving productivity of small holdings several forms of incentive schemes are operated wherein finances required for land development are provided on a grant basis. This activity is mainly for Replanting of tea lands and Infilling,Inter Cropping with Rubber and Coconut also are supported

3. Social development Interventions

Tea small holder community is organized into “Tea Small Holder Development Societies”. These grass root level community based organizations facilitate service provision of the organization. Also, small holders are empowered to reap maximum benefits within the industry through collective bargaining.