Extention Services

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Impact envisaged under the current Results Based Approach of the organization is improvement of the livelihood of tea smallholders. This necessitates a major role by extension services of the organization to improve productivity of smallholdings, quality of produce and develop additional income earning activities. This requires the extension service of the organization to have a “Vision” of tea smallholder sector adopting appropriate and most current technical recommendations in the tea industry. Concurrent “Mission” is facilitating efficient provision of extension advice and support services to tea smallholders.

Extension Interventions

With the basic objective of improving productivity and product quality, extension services are provided at the grass root level by trained extension officers.Extension interventions of the organization basically consist of results oriented and targeted extension activities conducted at the field level by field extension workers. These mainly comprise of group extension programmes and individual land visits. Almost all of group programmes are conducted with the assistance of Tea Small Holder Development Societies. Any smallholder can enjoy the benefits of these extension programmes free of charge. Iindividual land visits and advice also could be obtained free of charge by making a request to the Extension Officer in the area.

Extension Publications
Advisory leaflets are issued free of charge to smallholders to strengthen the messages delivered at extension programmes. Several technical booklets printed by the organization on key technical subjects are available at cost which could be obtained by making a request to any office of the organization.
Extension Support Services
Extension support services of the organization facilitate the practice of extension advice given to smallholders.
Provision of fertilizer
Fertilizer required by the smallholders could be obtained on credit on easy payment terms through Tea Small Holder Development Societies.
Provision of Quality Planting Material
Organization operates several VP tea nurseries from which tea smallholders could procure high quality plants of approved tea cultivars through advanced booking. In addition, cuttings of new improved tea cultivars could be obtained from institutionally maintained mother bush areas in a similar manner. In addition to these, the organization issues permits to Commercial Tea Nursery Operators and jointly monitors their production with the Tea Research Institute, thus ensuring quality of plants sold to the smallholders.
Soil pH Testing
Smallholders can get their tea soils tested for acidity and obtain necessary recommendations for soil correction by paying a nominal fee. This service could be obtained by contacting the relevant Extension Officer of the area.